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The InGen-ious Marketing of Jurassic World
Marketing Strategy

The InGen-ious Marketing of Jurassic World

The marketing campaign for Jurassic World has been nothing short of epic. Here’s an interesting review of the strategy t...

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5 Sure-Fire Ways For Improving Brand Promotion
Marketing Strategy

5 Sure-Fire Ways For Improving Brand Promotion

The goal of brand promotion is to make your brand name and logo synonymous with your products, services, people, and cul...

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Underrated Tactics For Attracting Consumer Attention
Marketing Strategy

Underrated Tactics For Attracting Consumer Attention

WSI's Digital Power Hour Webinar Series continues, we are reviewing some underrated tactics for attracting consumer atte...

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EP 02: Online Reputation Management With Michael Fertik
Marketing Strategy

EP 02: Online Reputation Management With Michael Fertik

We're taking a long look at online reputation management and what businesses can do to influence how they're perceived b...

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5 Key Components For Building Better Brand Authority
Marketing Strategy

5 Key Components For Building Better Brand Authority

In increasingly competitive markets, you need to make your brand stand out. Read about 5 ways to help you build formidab...

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Don't Miss Out On The Untapped Benefits Of 1:1 Marketing
Marketing Strategy

Don't Miss Out On The Untapped Benefits Of 1:1 Marketing

Here are a few examples of the untapped benefits of 1:1 marketing (also known as the reasons you should consider it for ...

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WSI Digital Power Hour Presenter Spotlight With Francois Muscat
Marketing Strategy

WSI Digital Power Hour Presenter Spotlight With Francois Muscat

Benchmarking can provide you with insights as to what your customers are experiencing when they visit your site versus y...

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[INFOGRAPHIC] How To Kiss Your Competitive Edge Goodbye
Marketing Strategy

[INFOGRAPHIC] How To Kiss Your Competitive Edge Goodbye

The best defence is a good offence, and when it comes to gaining a competitive edge in digital marketing, these are wise...

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Gaining a Competitive Advantage with Digital Marketing
Marketing Strategy

Gaining a Competitive Advantage with Digital Marketing

In a competitive world with new companies being formed, it's vital that you build a competitive advantage. Here are five...

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